Peng Yangyang 2011, BA (Hons) Finance, Accounting and Management

15 July 2018





Dear President Yang Fujia, Provost Professor Chris Rudd, faculty, alumni, friends, proud parents, and my lovely UNNC fresh graduates. I am honored to be here with you today to celebrate the graduation of Class 2018 and to share my stories and journey with UNNC.
敬爱的杨福家校长,Chris Rudd校长,亲爱的老师,校友,家长,各位亲爱的2018届学弟学妹们,大家好,我今天非常荣幸能和你们一起参加毕业典礼,并分享我在宁波诺丁汉的收获。

I am Yangyang Peng. I graduated from UNNC in 2011 with a degree in Finance Accounting and Management. After graduation, I went to the London School of Economics and Political Science to pursue my masters study. I am now working as a Management Consultant in Ernst and Young London and I am also the president of UNNC Alumni Association UK chapter.

Haven't been back to UNNC for ages, it is great to walk through the campus to see so many new buildings, new decorations and new facilities. This reminded me of a lot of good memories as well as some not so good memories like having exams in the auditorium. I am delighted to see so many achievements made through all these years. For example, the enrolment score to join UNNC last year was at least 40-50 higher than a tier 1 university admission score on average. This reflects the high recognition we have received publicly as a university. In just a short 14 years' time, UNNC is now a place famous for breeding the future talents with wisdom and social responsibilities. You should all be proud to be one of them and big congrats for your accomplishments. I have high expectations and deep respect for UNNC as well as to you my dear UNNC graduates and my soon to be alumni.   

What is alumni? When I first googled this word, I found the singular version of this word - Alumnus is a Latin word meaning nursling, pupil and foster son. What unites us here today is UNNC, no matter whether you stayed here for 4 years, 2 years or even just a short period a time, it influenced the path of our lives deeply. If we apply the old Chinese saying - A tutor for a day is a father for a lifetime, then we all are the foster sons and daughters of UNNC. Ever since we joined UNNC, we were asked to stay hungry for knowledge, be critical thinkers, pursue self-actualisation and develop ourselves to be true global citizens. Graduating from UNNC doesn't mean the desire to reach these goals end here today, instead it means to carry on these goals and embed them into your life moving forward. 

And on behalf of UNNC Alumni Association UK chapter - also named as NAAN UK - I warmly welcome you to join the network when you visit the UK. The Alumni Network, serves fresh graduates and exchange students coming from UNNC to the UK as well as those who like me stayed in the UK for work. Each year we collect over 600 graduates coming for master degrees across the UK and over 400 students for exchange programmes based in Nottingham. And for the group who stayed in the UK, we currently hold over 200 members. 

Founded by alumni back in 2010, NAAN UK has become one of the biggest Chinese Alumni Associations in the UK. We gradually developed from organising alumni casual catch ups to professional events. These events include but not limited to UNNC Alumni Annual Reunion, Sino-UK Career Development Conference, Freshers Welcoming Conference, Provost Chinese New Year Dinner etc. We have had over 20 events organised since founded and has built a strong alumni resource in the UK. We have alumni working in various professions. We also have entrepreneurial alumni who started their own businesses in the UK. This is a growing and prosperous community that will open their arms to welcome you and help you achieve your best. 

However, to be a true member of this community, I require you to remember a key principle and take it with you when you come to the UK or wherever you go to pursue your goal for the next stage. The principle is 'Help Others Help Yourself'.

Human beings survived through millions of years and now stand on top of the biological chain, this is not only because we have outstanding intelligence but also from the very early stage we learnt to form a society that optimises the work output through collaboration and teamwork. To me, there are three steps to truly practise the principle in live.


The first step is sharing. Looking back to UNNC, you may have shared your notes with your group members to finish a coursework. You may also have shared your thoughts on certain things via social media platforms like WeChat and even published some WeChat blogs with over thousands of likes. If you have done things like this, I highly recommend you continue doing these activities as you can start to build your personal brand. And gradually, you may become an subject matter expert in an area and receive high recognition that you probably didn't even expect. 

The second step is to encourage and sometimes even to inspire others to achieve their best. People are like diamonds with a multitude of shades. Try to have a pair of open eyes that can see the good and special qualities of people and tell them, compliment them, give them your beliefs and encourage them to achieve their goals with their special talents. Through this practice, you will gradually build a resource pool that is loyal to you, supporting you with their specialities and helping you move forward when there are obstacles in your life.  

Finally and most importantly, take responsibility to help build a better world. This may sound too big, however, a better world can start with small things. And perhaps you may have already started this by doing some voluntary work at UNNC. When you leave the school and start to find your role in your society, spend some time to think about what you want to do and what makes you happy. You don't need to achieve a small target (a hundred million RMB revenue), you don't need to be a world famous character. As long as you have devoted your passion to work on one thing that continuously brings you a sense of achievement and other people receive equal benefits, happiness or value from your work, I am sure you are contributing to a better world.  

And I look forward to meeting you again in the UK, in China or somewhere else in the world. We will recognise each other through the eyes as well as the UNNC spirit we share. Thank you!